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Animal Network

Shannon Bennett • April 24, 2023

Animal Network

Las Vegas, Nevada

This morning, Kris and the Jordan’s Way team were with Animal Network in Las Vegas, Nevada! Animal Network is a non-profit organization who will not only take any breed of dog into care, but also offers financial assistance and temporary boarding in an effort to keep pets with their current, loving families. Make sure you like and follow them on Facebook to see the amazing work they do!

Kris likes to start off many of the Jordan’s Way fundraisers by making it rain treats for the dogs. This helps settle any anxiety they may have about our presence in their space. Many dogs are food motivated so this pairs us with treats and builds a little bit of trust. 

Kris also spent camera time with Blue, a gorgeous and friendly Staffy looking for his forever home. Blue would do best without any other dogs as he wants your love all to himself! If you’re interested in adopting Blue, go to

Shawn the radio DJ from 102.7 Las Vegas took the slime bucket! Shawn is on the air Monday through Friday, so be sure to tune in and show him some support!

Today we had a new challenge pop up (we love it when that happens), and it was a water gun fight!! We’ll have to use this one again sometime, it was SO fun! 

The Animal Network staff members were great sports about playing egg roulette and the mega bailout wars! When trapped in the kennel for the mega bailout wars, they worked hard to raise enough money to bail themselves out! 

Tinee is another sweet soul we met today that we wanted to highlight. He loved all of the attention from the bailout wars at today’s fundraiser! Tinee is a 10 year old Mastiff and a big bundle of love. He was an owner surrender due to relocation and would love to get back into a home full of love as soon as possible. If you’re interested in adopting Tinee, go to

Closing out the fundraiser, we saw Lauren and Laney play the treat transfer challenge. Just as we were waiting for one of them to get creative, Lauren used her mouth to tip over her bucket  and empty it deeming her the winner!

A HUGE thank you to all of the donors from today’s event who helped make our fundraising effort such a success. Between the Facebook fundraiser and private donations, we raised close to $11,000 by the end of the live feed! The link will remain active for the next 7 days, so make sure to keep the support coming for this wonderful rescue! If you’re unable to donate, please continue to share, share, share!

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