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Connor and Millie's Dog Rescue and Furgotten Friends Dog Rescue

Shannon Bennett • April 27, 2023

Connor and Millie's Dog Rescue &

Furgotten Friends Dog Rescue

Last night our LIVE Jordan’s Way fundraiser was for Connor and Millie’s Dog Rescue in Las Vegas, Nevada. CMDR specializes in small breed senior dogs with special needs. Their monthly veterinary bills can be astronomical due to the high medical needs of their rescue population. We started our fundraiser off (as we always do) with a little pow wow to pump everybody up to raise some funding for the rescue! 

A group of local gymnasts attended the event to support CMDR. They didn’t hesitate to drop and do push-ups to help bring in the donations! During the bailout wars, they got a little puppy love. 

Tee from New Jersey had fun with the chubby bunny challenge. This is a challenge we see occasionally, but not very often! She also took a slime bucket for a good cause. Thanks for being such a good sport, Tee! 

Doug volunteered to shave his head to continue encouraging donations! This was our first head shave of this tour! The kids were happy to take turns helping with the head shaving effort!

Stabler and Olivia are a bonded pair we wanted to highlight. This sweet couple of Maltese Mixes will need to be adopted together. If you’re interested in adopting them, go to to learn more about their adoption. 

Oboe is another little sweetheart waiting for his forever home. Look at those adorably huge ears! Oboe is a social Chihuahua who likes other dogs and loves to snuggle with his humans! He would do best with children 12 years of age and older. If you are interested in giving Oboe his forever home, go to to inquire about his adoption.

 A huge thank you to all of the donors and participants during last night’s fundraiser, it was a lot of fun! We hope the donations keep rolling in to help offset some of the weighty costs of veterinary care that this rescue carries. CMDR is VERY close to reaching $6,000 raised for their fundraiser and the link remains active for the next 7 days! Please continue to donate and share the link to keep the support coming for this great rescue!

This morning, our last (but not least) fundraising event for this tour was with Forgotten Friends Dog Rescue. This fundraiser was held at Petrack Park in Pahrump, Nevada. Forgotten Friends Rescue was founded by Manda and Jane in 2010 and the rest is history! This all breed rescue focuses on rehabilitating dogs then matching them with the perfect forever homes.

Forgotten Friends has so many beautiful dogs looking for their forever homes, it’s difficult to highlight just a few! Joy is an Old English Sheepdog and Poodle Mix (Sheepadoodle) looking for her forever home. She is a deaf girl, so her new forever family will require a little patience and understanding to help her settle into her new home. If you are interested in adopting Joy, call (775) 848-9478 to learn more about her adoption.

We saw the urine sample challenge come back out during this fundraising event! Luckily for all of the shelters and rescues on this tour, NO ONE failed the urine sample challenge! It lives on to the next tour. Will someone eventually have to drink it? (Remember, it’s NOT a real urine sample, just sour liquid candy)! You'll have to follow along on the next tour to find out!

Denise played puppy love with Katie but Katie was NOT a fan of her puppachino being served atop someone’s face. Chance was brought in for clean up duty and happily obliged. Both Katie and Chance are available for adoption. If you are interested in adopting either of these adorable dogs, call (775) 848-9478 to inquire about each of their adoptions. 

Zero is another sweetie we wanted to highlight. He is a 2 1/2 year old male Chihuahua Mix who LOVES to give kisses! He was captured here giving Vickie a little love. If you’re interested in learning more about Zero, call (775) 848-9478 to learn more about his adoption. 

Pumbaa LOVED drop it like it’s hot and wiener mania! Puma is a Shepherd/Collie Mix looking for his forever home. He was a huge fan of all of the attention he received at today’s event! If you’re interested in giving this sweet face the forever home he’s looking for, contact the rescue at (775) 848-9478 to see if you might be the perfect match for Pumbaa. 

The Forgotten Friends staff had A LOT of messy fun with the pie face challenges! What a fun group! 

We thank all of the generous donors and participants during today’s live fundraiser! We couldn’t do any of this work without your support! 

The Forgotten Friends Dog Rescue is closing in on $4,000 raised and as always, the fundraiser link remains active for the next week so please keep donating and sharing to show your support!

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