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FurEver Home Inc. and Saunders County Lost Pets- Pet Rescue Fundraisers

Shannon Bennett • March 21, 2023

FurEver Home Inc. &
Saunders County Lost Pets- Pet Rescue

Last night, Kris and Mary Lynn from Jordan’s Way finished day one of the tour strong at FurEver Home Inc. in Fremont, Nebraska. They were an enthusiastic group and put the FUN in fundraiser! Over 200 donors stepped up to support FurEver Home Inc. raising over $11,000 and counting! The link remains live on Facebook for 7 days following the fundraiser, so be sure to click the link below to show your support.

The night started out with Asher showing some puppy love to shelter employee Katie. Asher is one of the shelter dogs who has been in care for the longest. He is a sweet, gentle boy.

If Asher might be a good fit for your family, visit:

to learn more and fill out an application! 

After Asher showed some love, it was time for the infamous bailout wars! And for some extra fun, Kris pulled out a challenge that Jordan’s Way hadn’t done in awhile, called Puppy Puff. Who knew a leaf blower and a little flour could be so fun?! Good thing the shelter staff at FurEver Home Inc. were all such good sports!

Honorable mentions from last night’s fundraiser include Scott who shaved his legs and Chris who shaved his head to keep the donations coming. Now that is dedication to a good cause!

We also cannot forget to mention the businesses who showed their support. Many thanks to 

Woof and Whiskers

Papa Trucking

Aqua Wash

The Learning Express

To wrap up last night’s fundraiser, each of the dogs enjoyed a delicious meatball treat. We are immensely grateful to our donors who make these fundraisers possible.

Next, our work didn’t stop there! The team caught a little bit of sleep and this morning we were at Saunders County Lost Pets Pet Rescue in Wahoo, Nebraska. You can visit them on Facebook at

Within our first few minutes of the fundraiser, we received a whopping $2500 donation! Amazing! The dogs then all enjoyed a puppachino. Because the donations were pouring in so well, before the dogs even finished their tasty puppachinos, it was time for weiner mania where every dog was treated to a hot dog!

Shelter employee Stacey lucked out during our Trick or Treat challenge. She was saved by a last minute donation so she was spared from eating a handful of treats, the dogs got to eat them instead! 

Among the many beautiful shelter dogs is Mikey. Mikey is a beautiful lab/staffy mix who has been in rescue for 15 long months. He is very playful, loves other dogs and is super affectionate. During our puppy love challenge, Mikey tenderly cleaned the puppachino from Taylor’s face. Then later, he gently cleaned the peanut butter from Kim’s lips during the makeout mania challenge. How is this handsome, lovable boy still looking for his forever home?!

To learn more about Mikey, follow the link below:

Police Chief Joe Baudler even stopped by to show his support. In just 2 minutes we raised $75 so he had to drop and do 75 push ups! Thank you for supporting your local shelter, Chief Baudler! 

Next, thanks to yet another generous donation, Chief Baudler got to throw a pie right in the Assistant Police Chief Alan’s face! But don’t worry, later Assistant Chief Alan got revenge and Chief Baudler was next to take a pie to the face. 

The next game was drop it like it’s hot to shower treats over Nala, a loving lab mix who has been in rescue for 5 years- that is over half of her life! Nala prefers either larger breed dogs or to be your only fur baby but is very friendly and affectionate to her human family. If you could provide Nala's forever home, hop over to to fill out an application.

How often does a princess walk into a fundraiser? Not often, but today, Princess Ella Pearl and her brother Lee stopped by with a $40 donation so they got to pie Kris in the face.

How adorable are they?

The fundraiser wrapped up with the hose down challenge. Our goal was to hit $6000 or the staff and Chief Baudler were going to get a super cold hose down from Mary Lynn! Fortunately for the staff AND the dogs, the donations continued to roll in, and the hose down was CANCELLED. Instead, Jordan’s Way sponsored burger mania, and every dog got a burger. What a fun way to finish out the event.

As always, we cannot thank each and every one of the donors for making our fundraisers so successful. Your donations help to support the shelter dogs and cats, as well as the wonderful people who care for them. The link remains live for the next week so make sure to show the SCLP Pet Rescue some love.

On deck we have Town and Country Humane Society and

Start Over Rover

Join us live or come on back to the blog tomorrow to see what fun you may have missed! 

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