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Jordan's Way Tour Kickoff- Nebraska, South Dakota, Wyoming here we come!

Shannon Bennett • March 18, 2023

Kris and the Jordan's Wa
y team are heading out for yet another tour!

Nebraska, South Dakota and Wyoming- we're coming for you! In our 11 day tour, we'll be visiting 18 different shelters. That means 18 different 3 hour long LIVE Facebook fundraisers.

We’re energized and ready to have some fun. But the truth is, there is a very serious side to this. Did you know that it can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 for shelters to simply feed their dogs? And that doesn’t even include the medical, boarding, or staffing expenses that shelters also have to carry. To make this financial burden just a little bit lighter, our goal for this tour is to feed the animals for a year. We know we can do it but we need your help to meet this goal! Please follow and share Jordan’s Way on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok and follow along on tour with us. 

First up, on Monday from 10am - 1pm (CST), we’ll be LIVE on Facebook at Jeanette Hunt- Blair Animal Shelter in Blair, Nebraska. Please make sure you hop over to their website, and don’t forget to also like/follow them on social media.  

Then later, we’ll be at Forever Home Inc. in Fremont, Nebraska. Join us on Facebook LIVE from 6pm - 9pm (CST). You can checkout Forever Home at Don’t forget to show their website and social media pages some love!

It means a lot to us at Jordan’s Way to have you following along on this journey with us. Through our vision and support from all of you, we’ve been able to raise 5 MILLION dollars in just 2 years! We’ve been featured on The Dodo, Hallmark Channel, and People TV. Imagine what we can do in the years to come. Together, we can make a huge impact- one state, one shelter, one life at a time.  

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