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Sioux Falls Canine Rescue and The Friends of Gillette Animal Shelter

Shannon Bennett • March 27, 2023

Sioux Falls Canine Rescue &

The Friends of Gillette Animal Shelter

Last night, Jordan’s Way visited Sioux Falls Canine Rescue in Brandon, South Dakota. A big thank you to Abby from The Bark Spot for hosting our fundraiser event. Be sure to check out The Bark Spot on Facebook at and give them a like! 

The ice bucket challenge helped drum up donations. We can never decide which bucket challenge is more fun, the ice bucket or the slime bucket. What do you think? Thank you to Emma for helping us mix up the slime! 

Sioux Falls Canine Director Allison and post pie face Tracy, spent some time kennelled up with their puppy friends.

A big thanks to Jeff for keeping the donation party hopping by agreeing to shave his head! Thank you for being committed to benefiting your local rescue, Jeff! 

Sioux Falls Canine Rescue has some incredibly cute puppies for adoption. Pictured here are Kris and Mary Lynne with Jackson, the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. He is still a baby, at just 4 months old, and loves to be held and snuggled. If your family might be the perfect fit for Jackson, go to to learn more about his adoption. 

As always, the fundraiser link remains active for the next 7 days, so be sure to go to and please also share the link to keep the donations coming!

Jordan’s Way made the news in South Dakota, checkout this feature from Dakota News Now!

After a little over a 7 hour drive, Kris and Mary Lynne were at The Friends of Gillette Animal Shelter in Gillette, Wyoming this morning. 

The donations were a little slow to get started but they heated right up. As the fundraiser numbers started to climb, the dogs were treated to peanut butter frisbees. 

Treble really enjoyed her peanut butter frisbee snack. Treble is a 2 year old female Shepherd Mix looking for her forever home. If you’re interested in adopting Treble, go to to learn more about her adoption. 

Another sweetheart we just have to feature is Annie. Annie spent time with shelter employee Rachel during puppy love. If you’re interested in providing Annie with a loving, forever home, contact Friends of Gillette Animal Shelter. 

Josh volunteered to shave his head to keep the donations coming. Thank you for being committed to helping your local shelter, Josh!

It’s heartwarming to see how dedicated people all over the country are to raising necessary funding for their local shelter dogs and cats. The manager at the Gillette McDonalds agreed to donate burgers for all of the dogs if the fundraiser broke $4,000 and it did! The dogs each got to enjoy a tasty burger treat. Thanks to McDonalds for supporting their local shelter!

Last but not least, we had egg roulette and the slime bucket challenge! While we waited patiently to see who would be the slime bucket victim, for each subsequent donation that came in, one of the staff members took an egg over the head! At the last minute, the donations were FLYING in and the director of Friends of Gillette Animal shelter had to take the slime bucket over the head! Thank you for being such a good sport Teresa! 

Starting with just $75 at the beginning of the fundraiser, by the end we were over $4500! As always, the link remains active for 7 days so please, please click the link below to keep supporting this wonderful shelter! 

On deck for tomorrow, we have St. Francis Animal Shelter in Buffalo, WY and Paws for Life Animal League - Riverton Animal Adoption Center in Riverton, WY

Be sure to watch live on Facebook or check out the blog tomorrow for what you may have missed! 

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